![People laughing and talking outside](https://i0.wp.com/candicedeleeuw.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/hold-me-up.jpg?resize=900%2C450&ssl=1)
In 1987, a little girl in Texas fell down a well. I am guessing you either remember the several day coverage of little Jessica or the remake in the 1990’s. Either way if you remember it, you probably remember the sweet voice singing Winnie the Pooh as countless rescue workers came together to safely retrieve her. It never fails, I always get goosebumps when I see people coming together during/after tragedy. The victims’ families are surrounded and held up during a time they certainly can’t hold themselves.
In Galatians 6:2 it says, Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
What does Paul mean when he asks us to carry each other’s burdens?
He is asking us to come alongside someone’s journey. This means we must overlook the shortcomings of others, forgive past hurts, and truly hold them up. This may mean you will have to endure something painful, emotionally draining, or stressful for someone else. Above all else, you must do this with no other motive than to love your neighbor as yourself (Galatians 5:14).
Let me tell you a personal story. I am a giver. I love to help others, but I am a HORRIBLE receiver. It is not that I don’t want the help of others or that I think I can do it better. Well scratch that, I do load the dishwasher better. It is because I don’t want to burden anyone else that I turn others’ offers down. We are all carrying around something and I would much rather load on the weight of others then let someone carry mine.
But God… He likes to put me in situations where not only can I not lean on my own understanding or physical abilities, but I also have to ask for help. Then He brings people into my life and I have to allow it. Do you see the red splotches forming on my chest as I write this?
Last week in Unplanned, I wrote about Moses. Before God spoke to him in a burning bus,h he married the daughter of Jethro and became a shepherd to his father-in-law’s flock. After Moses left to follow God’s commands to rescue the people of Israel from the Egyptians, we read in Exodus 18, Jethro came to see Moses in the wilderness. While talking to Moses, Jethro gave him the best advice,
18 You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone.
I am telling you today, you can not do this alone.
You need people to surround you. People to hold you up when you can’t. Someone to help carry the heavy weight.
How do you find these people?
- Pray. Pray. And PRAY. God will bring the people in the season you need it.
- Join a small group. Whether this be from your church, a neighboring church, your neighborhood workout group, or the local moms group, just find a group.
How do you become the “giver” especially to those who are difficult to “receive” it?
- Listen for God’s nudging. When a name pops in your head, stop what you are doing and call the person. Don’t wait for the right moment.
- Ask your neighbor, friend, or family how you can help?
- When they say, “nothing,” offer what you are best at. Perhaps buying pizza, making a meal, paying a bill, or even watching their kids for a much needed date night out is something that comes natural for you.
- Keep offering until they cant’ say, “no.”
How do you be a better “receiver”?
- Allow it.
- Smile, knowing God has just sent someone to meet your specific need.
- Say, “thank you.”
The past year and a half has been a bit of a roller coaster. Everytime I turned around it felt like something else, unplanned, was happening. With each twist and turn, a new coaster partner was placed by my side. Someone to scream with me, giggle with me, and feel nauseous with me. Each person was an instrumental part of holding me up in a different way.
Even knowing this, several weeks ago I almost said, “no” to leading a small group. It is a five week study and most of my usual small group ladies couldn’t commit in this season. I really didn’t need any additional excuses but I had them: homeschooling 3 kids, launching a book during this same time, work, the house, kids activities, the puppy, Covid, etc. But God… He whispered for me to do it. So I did.
I am so glad I did! I now have 12 new women in my life from all across the country and in three other countries. They are amazing and one day when I felt the lies I tell myself creeping in, they prayed over me. Here I thought I was going to be holding them up, but they were the ones holding me.
Right now, God wants to whisper to you too. Are you willing to follow through?
Will you be asked to give or to receive? The results are all in your answer.