![Person in blue jeans kneeling down](https://i0.wp.com/candicedeleeuw.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/uncomfortable.jpg?resize=900%2C450&ssl=1)
During pregnancy, just at the point the pants won’t button anymore, you realize you are in the “uncomfortable in-betweens.” This current size no longer fits and growth is coming.
Maybe you are sitting in this position right now.
-Waiting on a call back from a job after years of college or experience and countless applications.
-Waiting on a report of health for a loved one after hours of prayers.
-Waiting on a friend to forgive you after a long overdue apology.
-Waiting on an answer from God after trying it all on your own first.
I am personally not good at waiting. I want to see instant success, instant health, instant change, and instantly the best cup of coffee in my hands.
Sometimes God works in the instant.
There are many examples of this such as when Jesus instantly healed the bleeding woman who touched the fringe of His robe (Luke 8:43-48), the crippled woman in Luke 13:10-17, or the man with leprosy in Luke 5:12-13.
But sometimes we have to sit in the uncomfortable in-between.
Between the problem and the blessing.
Between the pain and the healing.
Between the calling and the promise.
Sometimes the in-between looks like a storehouse. We keep putting into it and giving what we have (whether it is a little or a lot). As we continue to add we wonder if it even matters. We begin to doubt. We begin to shut down.
In the beginning there is so much hope, but as we sit in the in-between we get uncomfortable with the progress and the process.
The result is we care less and we give less. This happens in our jobs, our retirement funds, our relationship, our tithes, our marriage, and our dreams.
In the beginning of 2020, I started the paperwork to begin a for good company, Hope in Healing Hearts. Starting this company has been one of the scariest things I have done in my life, right along with publishing a book. Both concepts are not of me, but of obedience to what God is calling me to do. He called me to write for ten years, but I am really good at ignoring things I don’t want to deal with. When I finally caved and wrote the book, I planned to just put it on my shelf.
But the thing with God is obedience is never just one step.
One step of obedience leads to God asking me to take another. Most steps are not easy or met without it’s doubts from yourself or others. When I told my husband we need to publish this book and sell it without taking any profit, I thought he would completely agree. But if you read Rumor Has It earlier this year, then you probably already knew he wouldn’t. I am the “giver,” the one who wants to give it all away, all the time. Thank goodness my husband is more of the “storehouse” mindset.
Taking no profit from the book, despite my husband or other’s opinions on it, is100% what God is telling me to do and I will be obedient. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t uncomfortable. Here I sit, nine days away from launching the book and wondering if any of it even matters. I am looking at the storehouse and wondering how I will fill it. I know my all is not enough.
But God is whispering, keep moving, keep going, keep loving, keep hoping, and keep giving into the storehouse.
He reminded me today that he doesn’t always heal instantly. Unlike the leper who was healed instantly in Luke 5, in Luke 17 Jesus chooses to wait.
11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12 As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance 13 and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”
14 When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.
As they went; as they walked in obedience.
I imagine with each step a new scale fell to the ground and a realization they were being healed. Did they stop to stare? Did they then run? Did they go from disappointment to disbelief to dancing?
Even if it feels like it will never happen, if He called you to it, He will see you through it.
I love how in John 1 we find Jesus telling the disciples to “come and see” in response to where He was staying. I feel that way right now, I can’t tell you exactly where all of this is going or the impact Hope in Healing Hearts will have in our community. But I can tell you we are in an in-between, preparing to grow, and you just have to come and see.
You can come and see by visiting the tab Hope in Healing Hearts or going straight to hopeinhealinghearts.org.
Wow, Congratulations on your Book. It looks like it’s really good. I wish you the absolute best. I can’t wait to get my Book. Your Amazing and so full of Love for others which is exactly how we are to life.
Thank you so much! It has been an adventure for sure. I believe you too will find HOPE in the pages of the book, for although our loss is different our love for our sons is the same. Miss seeing you!