![person making dough](https://i0.wp.com/candicedeleeuw.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/rise.jpg?resize=900%2C449&ssl=1)
In the spring of 2020 toilet paper, hand sanitizer, puzzles, bikes, and cleaning supplies were just a few of the many things that had a shortage. The one item that shocked me was yeast. Apparently people began making their own bread.
The painstaking process of making bread has never appealed to me. Don’t get me wrong, when everyone else was doing it I had FOMO (fear of missing out). That is until I read the instructions on what was labeled “easy bread recipe.”
Did you know that you have to “proof” the yeast? This process, although sounded fairly easy, clearly was not for a chef like me. I am more of a dash of this, a sprinkle of that kind of gal. When the instructions said you could kill the yeast if the water was “too hot”, I knew I would fail.
If you are not yet scared, then what about the mixing and then the ten minute kneading that could be longer if you are not “consistent”? THEN there are more steps with having it “rise” TWICE!
Basically I want to know who baked bread and how did it turn out??
All kidding aside, as I read Matthew 13:33 I began to think about all the 2020 bread makers.
33 Jesus also used this illustration: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough.”
Yeast permeates every part of the dough.
Why were people making bread in the first place? From what I could gather, it was not out of necessity but out of boredom. Everyone stuck in quarantine found themselves with time they didn’t have before.
How many of us took the extra time in Covid to spend it with Him?
So many of us picked up new hobbies or spent extra time playing games with our families. But how many of us chose to be in the Word, worship, and share the gospel? I am going to be vulnerable here, I definitely wasted time watching Tiger King.
For many reading this post, quarantine is over and barely something we even remember. It feels like a lifetime ago. Now more than ever, we need to reevaluate not only our time spent but as things begin to open, our life.
Right now, are you allowing your faith to permeate (spread throughout) every part of your life?
Are you a Sunday Christian? Is it easier to just slap on the smile for church but go back to reality the other days? Are you a home/family Christian where you instill values at home but don’t allow it to show in other areas of your life? It is easier to be whoever the world needs us to be at work, on social media, out with friends?
But just like yeast in bread, if we allow sin to get too hot, our faith will fail. We have to be willing to be mixed and kneaded. The process will not be easy and it will be long, but if we allow Him to permeate each part of us He will rise with us.
Are you willing?
Come back next week as we begin to explore more of what this looks like!