
nope painted on wooden fence

Permission to Say No

Whether you are working to advance your career or are a stay at home mom volunteering at the kids’ school, it is so hard to say “no” to all the demands and needs of those around us. We say…

brown feather and bible

I Need A Miracle

For years our son had tantrums and fears. Fears over sleeping, going to preschool, soccer practice, and just about any time he has to leave my side. We had excuses for his behavior, mainly the well known…

Disney Magic Kingdom

Magic Kingdom

From the time we are little girls we begin dreaming up our wedding day. Our Barbies get married, we picture the flowers, the dress we will twirl in, the venue, and the overall feeling of getting…

Dessert under sky with white clouds

Bereaved Mother’s Day

Nerves were shooting through my veins like the venom of Spider-Man’s spider bite. Hiding was absolutely the only answer to my problem, or perhaps running away. With every fiber of my being I would…

Macro view of lights at a party

Hostess With the Mostest

As Covid mandates have been lifted and parts of our previous “normalcy” is creeping back in, how many of you are getting crushed again under the weight of “to do’s”? Don’t get me wrong, for many…

Person's hand clapping dust off

Dust Off

When a gut wrenching, gasping breath takes you by surprise. This is the moment you realize you didn’t keep your word. Sometimes they are calculated missteps but sometimes they hit you in such a…

But You Seem So Happy

Most of us hide the things we don’t want others to see or notice. I am not just talking about makeup, sunglasses, and baggy clothes. No, we use exercise to conceal the flaws we see but in our…

When It Is Not Okay

Please call me. Please show up at my door to make me leave the nursery. Don’t you know that I physically can not leave on my own? My shoes feel as if they are filled with cement and my legs are jello…

Round bouy hanging on the wall.

HELP! I Need Somebody

As I opened my eyes, I tried to grapple with my surroundings. My eyes were swollen from crying throughout the night. But this morning I wasn’t alone, no this morning my husband was next to me in…

Green typewriter with the words cancel culture printed

Cancel Culture

Anxiety likes to strike when it is least expected. Slithering in the darkness, hiding behind solid stable objects, just waiting for the perfect moment to interrupt and rock the world you…